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Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

Common but Not Normal and Highly Treatable!

What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)?

  • Pelvic organ prolapse is a subjective complaint described as an annoying protrusion (bulge) at or near the vaginal opening, which may or may not be accompanied by perineal pressure (pressure between your vagina and anus) which is aggravated by standing, and relieved by lying down.

  • Significant pelvic organ prolapse is often asymptomatic, and is usually not associated with pain.

  • Additional symptoms may also be urine retention and changes in your bowel function.


The type of prolapse is described by the organ which is protruding into the vaginal canal. They include:

  • Cystocele: Prolapse of the bladder

  • Rectocele: Prolapse of the rectum

  • Urethrocele: Prolapse of the urethra

  • Uterine prolapse: Prolapse of the uterus

  • Vaginal Vault prolapse: Prolapse of the top of the vagina after a hysterectomy

  • Enterocele: Prolapse of the intestines 

You should be evaluated by your family doctor, gynecologist, or pelvic health physiotherapist if you suspect that you have a prolapse.


Take a moment to ask yourself:

  • Do you have heaviness in your vagina or rectum?

  • Do you have difficulty initiating your urine flow?

  • Do you have to strain in order to have a bowel movement or to urinate?

  • Do you have discomfort/pain during intercourse?

  • Does it feel like your “insides” are falling out?

  • Has your doctor said that you have a prolapsed pelvic organ?

  • Are you constipated?

These symptoms can indicate a possible prolapse 


What can be done for prolapse:

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse is a functional problem, and needs to be treated functionally in order to reverse the effects.

  • Many conservative strategies are often quite effective and can include constipation management, toileting positions, and pelvic floor exercises, which can correct and reverse the problems associated with prolapse.

  • A well-fitted pessary may also be helpful.

  • Most surgeons would agree that surgical correction of a prolapse should be the last resort.


At Physio Works Muskoka we treat prolapses conservatively through exercise, lifestyle modifications and over-the-counter pessaries.


Surgery may still be necessary in some cases; however, if you have a healthier pelvic floor, the surgery will be more successful.  Several studies have now supported that concept!  You wouldn’t have reconstructive knee surgery without good physiotherapy before and afterwards.  Your pelvic floor is no different!

Call or email to book your appointment!

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19 Bickley Country Drive, Huntsville, Ontario P1H 1Y4



Fax: 705-995-1033

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