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Massage Therapy

We are pleased to now have Registered Massage Therapy services offered by Miranda Carley, RMT. Mirada is passionate about helping people achieve their health and wellness goals, manage their pain, and improve their function through massage therapy. She offers massage therapy services to any person, at any stage of life. However, she has a strong passion for working with people who are pregnant or postpartum, infants and children. 

Registered massage therapy is able to treat a variety of health concerns, improve general wellness and provide relaxation. Miranda will use a variety of soft tissue manipulation techniques to achieve goals set forth in a treatment plan. 


Prenatal massage helps to alleviate pain and aches related to pregnancy. Not every ache and pain has to last the entire pregnancy, many things can be helped with massage therapy.


Infant massage can alleviate colic and gas as well as constipation. It can also help to build a stronger bond between baby and caregiver, as well as improve baby's mood and sleep habits.

Miranda teaches Infant Massage Workshops, where she educates parents on massaging their babies for creating bonds between baby & caregiver, as well as to provide relief for a variety of symptoms. Miranda is also certified in cupping from RockTape Canada, and has successfully completed Trimesters Massage Therapy Education for "The RMT Working With Infants & Children"


Call or email to book your appointment!

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